Effortless Digital Signatures | Online Document Signing | InkFree

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Effortless E-Signatures for a Paperless and Inkfree Future. Streamline Your Workflow, Boost Productivity, and Ensure Security with Our Cutting-Edge Electronic Signature Solution.

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A screen animation is displayed, which shows the InkFree dashboard creating a digital signature.

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An animation on the screen depicts the InkFree easily signing an online document.

Choose from the various plans that best suit your business needs, or feel free to contact us for customized plans tailored to your specific requirements.

What is an Electronic or Digital Signature?

A digital signature is a secure electronic way to sign documents and ensure their authenticity and integrity. It's like a traditional signature but in digital form.

A certified sign typically refers to a signature that has been verified or authenticated by a certification authority. This is common in electronic transactions or communications where a digital signature may be certified by a trusted third party to ensure its authenticity and integrity.

A self-signed document signifies that the signer has reviewed and acknowledges the content. It serves as a record of their agreement and eliminates any potential claims of misunderstanding the document's terms.

Disclaimer Regarding Self-Sign Feature

Inkfree offers a self-signing feature for user’s convenience. However, it's important to understand the legal implications of using self-signed documents.

- Limited Legal Weight: Self-signed documents may have limited legal enforceability compared to signatures verified by a third-party authority. While they can serve as a record of acknowledgement and intent, they may not hold the same weight in court as certified electronic signatures or traditional wet signatures in certain situations.

- User Responsibility: We recommend users exercise discretion when using self-signing. Evaluate the risk associated with the document and the potential consequences of a self-signed agreement.

- Disclaimer of Liability: Inkfree is not responsible for any contractual breaches that may arise due to the use of self-signed documents. Users are responsible for ensuring the chosen signing method is appropriate for the document's purpose and legal requirements.

- Security: Protects documents from tampering and forgery

- Convenience: Eliminates the need for printing, signing, and scanning documents

- Legality: Recognized as legally binding in most countries

- Efficiency: Save time and money by streamlining document processes

- Transparency: Provides an audit trail for document history

Presently, the system exclusively supports PDF documents.

Within the Digital Signature application, users can proficiently initiate the process by accessing the document, opting for the feature to incorporate a digital signature. This can be accomplished either by uploading an existing digital signature or by creating a new one through a digital signing method, such as drawing the signature directly.

In many jurisdictions, digital signatures are legally recognized and considered as binding as handwritten signatures.

You can get access to all of the key paid features of InkFree, free, for 30 days.

Sign with Confidence, Sign with InkFree.

Discover a world where signing documents is fast, secure, and hassle-free.

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